First, get 2 cups of water and throw in some anchovies and dashima to make broth. Boil this for about 5-10 minutes and it should reduce to about half.
Prep your beef (about 1/2 cup) and seafood.
In a pot heat 1 TB sesame oil, 1 TB minced garlic and throw in the beef.
Add about 1/2 cup of kimchi and about 3 TB of kimchi juice.
Throw in some onions...
And then add only 2/3 cups of the anchovy/dashima broth. You really don't need a lot of water because the tofu itself will release water too.
This is 1 TB red pepper powder with 4 TB of sesame oil. I brought it to a boil, but here's where I messed up. While trying to take a picture, I let it BURN. It tasted OK, but it definitely made it LOOK bad. =P Keep an eye on it because it burns quickly...
(Note: you can just use bottled red pepper oil if you would like, but I prefer making it this way because it really brings out the flavor)
Add the oil to the soup and then add the seafood. It looks DARK because of the burned oil...yours should look normal. ;)
Add your tofu and bring it to a boil. I use two packs because my boys eat a lot. =P
Add 1 TB of shrimp jut. If you want to omit this, then just adjust flavor with gook ganjang. But shrimp jut really brings out the flavor in soon dooboo jjigae.
Finally, throw in 1 egg (or 2) and you're all done! I actually used 1 full cup of water which is why it looks so watery. =P
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