The idea of a scavenger hunt is to put together small teams of people and complete as many set tasks as possible. The tasks are usually things like "Collect three different kinds of flower" or "Take a photo of yourself standing next to a bridge." Completing the tasks necessitates traveling to different areas of the city, finding stuff out and having fun.
John, Anthony and I went out to show support. Having stayed out quite late the night before, we weren't in a particularly competitive mood though. For those of you who don't know, blue Powerade is a rudimentary hangover cure.
Although many teachers had said they would come, only six others including Jareb actually showed up. The 11am on a Sunday factor may have had something to do with it.
But we weren't about to let a good idea go to waste, so we formed 3 teams and started completing our tasks anyway. We would meet up in Seomyeon around 3 hours later and find out who the winning team was. One of the first tasks was to take a photo of two people wearing 'Couple-Ts', which are matching outfits that couples here often wear. But we couldn't find any so we took one with these military dudes.
The next task we did was to "Take a photo of a team member giving W1000 ($1) to a kid under the age of four." Anthony did the honours.
I like the expression on the kids face: What is going on here?
Here's John and Anthony completing "A photo of one team member feeding another team member kim chi." Why were we back home all of a sudden and not out competing, you may ask?
A: Because we were tired.
But we went out again soon after that.
John's face mask was optional.
John and Anthony grew to enjoy the anonymity provided by their masks and opted to keep them on for the rest of the event. It's always a little bit odd when there are two masked guys following you around in a department store. Thanks to Anthony and John, I am now used to it.
Team Dongnae ended up winning the event, having completed more than forty of the fifty tasks. The winning prize was a high-five from Jareb. I'm glad we made it out though.
Jason Medley enjoying the fine selection of wines available.
They had ordered two turkeys and there was plenty of food to go around. One thing I hadn't had in a while: Deviled eggs.
Num num num.
We ate and ate. I had three plates, which was a far cry from last year's record. But I'm on a diet these days and trying to condition myself for the cafeteria luncheons that I'll be surviving on in Seoul.
Homemade pumpkin pie or strawberries and cream anyone?
Although they look quite nice, one thing that Anthony and I have in common is that we never enjoy eating sweets.
Cake, donuts or cream buns? Ewww, no thank you.
It's a different story for John though.
All the food and wine was a little too much for poor old Vince, who promptly fell asleep on the wall.
As one does.It snowed quite heavily in Busan last week. On average it snows here about twice a year, so it was very rare to see so much. It's never enough to make a snowman out of, but I am always hopeful.
John and I moved into our apartment in Seomyeon more than a year ago. At that time, it was quite expensive to get the key-money (deposit) together. But we scraped up enough dough and have been living together for quite some time. In Australia I moved house more than 31 times (I lost count at 31) since I left home at the age of 16. Having lived with so many different types of personality, I can safely say that John is a very easy person to live with. I've never seen him irritated for any household related issue.
We decked out our house with boys toys: an X-Box 360, 42 inch plasma screen, poker set and a hub that allows wireless multiplayer. In the photo above, John and Anthony are playing Madden '09. We spent a lot of weekend afternoons like this.
We had a farewell party out with friends the weekend before. He may be coming back to Korea sometime in the future.
Good luck and work hard John!
See you next time everyone.
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